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Helidra - Cie Malabar

Four months intership in Cie Malabar (Street Performances), designing, cutting patterns and making european project "Helidra" costumes.  A medieval theme created with plastazote armours and leather clothing.


Mr Dragon is the big baddie of the show, symbolizing the Nazi figure in the orriginal story, he shows up three times :
First as a military man, then an hybrid at the beginig of his transformation in dragon, and finally, as a real dragon taking form of a float.

Nous Autres - Cie Cartoun Sardines

Tailor Module

Invede a Corpse Territory

Cliquetis - Cie Concept 21

Shapes search and test for show « Nous Autres Â» from Eugene Zamiatine novel. The Cartoun Sadirnes company wanted functional costumes which can allowed fast transformations from one character to an other.

Here the costume take part in the dystopia thank to flash-codes, costume became accomplice of the system extremist surveillance. Convertible, the actor playing both S-4711 and The Second Constructor can switch from one uniform to the other easily thank to snap fasteners modifying the personal ID number.

Plays saw during the Avignon theatre festival 2014, Théâtre des Lucioles.

Indispensable costumier skill, this task had to teach me how to understand an artisanal tailor (right side) and how surpass this technique to create a stage costume (left side). This project allowed me to mix tailoring codes and art concept, here its as if the costume had been pulled up on the left shoulder, transforming the shape, creating a new dynamic.


Apprenticeship of different interfacing layers composing a tailor made garment, all the patterns had been drawn from historical diagrams adapted to the models measurements. Here, buckram darts gives a round volume to the breast, then the different canvases are pieced together by feather stitches. The twill tape is applied by cross stitches and demonstrates an elegant fall of the collar flap which is also a scatter of feather stitches.


This 2nd year project for HND Fashion Design, focused on the vision and especially on the asymmetry, and abnormality of one « sick Â» eye. This developed into an idea of a disturbing universe, occupied by creature, monsters and even the thought of hybrid creations using prosthesis and masks.

The final collection, named « Parrajaco Â», is composed of headdress and wraps melting to the model body, a mix between blurred, fluid and structured mechanics. Enigmatic, we don’t know what it is, a headdress ? Wig ? Hat ? Contacts ? Filters ? Eyeglass ? Magnifying glass ? … We don’t know, as the creature, we don’t know…

The mobility of contacts/Filters create different patterns and vision alteration, when the handicap exceeds normality.

A theatre performance of two actors and a narrator : « Cliquetis Â» is a short story interpretation of a man and his wife rotting through weariness. Time has erased the nice things and the clock ticking (cliquetis) drives the man crazy, whilst his wife eats everything. Devastated, he sees how ugly she has becomes and stabs her to death. A dirty story for a kitsch couple.

The costume of The Wife must be able to inflate on stage while actors are still playing, so it's composed by three layers. The actor being thin wears a « fat Â» oversuit as first layer, she goes from a size 36 to a 40. The second layer is the inflate mechanism, soft plastic glued by heat, the air is flowing through a pipe. Finally, the third layer, the dress « kitsch » and accessories (foulard, pearls, rings…).


A real technical challenge.

Macbeth - Cie Opera Integra

Designing and making headpieces, masks, accessories in wire netting for opera Macbeth by the company Opera Integra based in London, Notting Hill.

The director Ella Marchment, focused her work on this opera on free-will and manipulation and treats the stage during Act.I as a giant chess game played by the witches.


Maria de Buenos Aires

Designing, making and altering of 6 main characters and  12 dancers  costumes for the Tango Opera : Maria de Buenos Aires, taking place in The Vault, Waterloo.

The director, Ella Marchment who choose to trust me again on this new production, wish to create a curious universe : Joyful and colorful (Tango and Cabaret inspirations) on the fist part, Dark and ugly (in progress man to crow transformation) for the second half.

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